Sunday, September 11, 2011

Food, Friends, and Family

So many times, we gather with friends and family for food.  I've thought of this often lately and how when I think of a certain friend or family member, I automatically recall my favorite food they make or a funny thing that happened that involved food.  I wonder if we ever really realize how much our lives are centered around food?

When I think of Jan, I automatically think of grape salad.  Annette brings to mind a low country shrimp broil.  Mike's house is always hamburgers and beer.  Lindsay makes me think Panera because that is where we always go to meet up...and we always try to dodge that annoying lady we had class with that is ALWAYS there.  Shannon and Joey just make me think "grill" because it's always different but always involves the grill.  Paige and Dale equals egg rolls and fried rice, every time.  Momma Nicholson is the best stuffed mushrooms ever!  Aunt Robin is cheese ball deluxe.  Kristi is guacamole.  Mawmaw is homemade biscuits and all the other homemade yummies I conned her into teaching me.  Mom is fried chicken and salmon patties.  Lauren is macaroni and cheese and Jennifer is New Year's Day fixin's. 

It's funny, really, when one thinks really hard about food.  It's only for nourishment.  You take it in and put it out.  But we find so many ways to do it differently so that we can enjoy it.  We use it as a reason to get together to decompress with our friends and family and create traditions that bond us.  How nice....

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