Monday, November 21, 2011

I dig it.

I totally dig being the "older" student in my food writing class.  It doesn't bother me in the least, especially when we have a project session at my house and I get to cook something special for the folks that come over.  Tonight, I cooked bratwurst and brotchen and had it just about ready when everyone showed up to work on the cookbook project.  My hubby was happy because it's one of his favorite dishes and Wes, Mia, Tori, and Tyler all liked the Brotchen and Brats (Tori didn't eat the pork of  I have always liked to cook real food for people and I like cooking something for someone that they have never had.  I loved Tyler's innocent question, "What's the difference between a brotchen and a brat?" answer..."One is a meat and one is a"  I wanted to say something funnier but his question was so innocent, I just couldn't bring myself to be a smartypants.  I have never been able to figure out exactly why I like to cook so much.  Maybe it's the satisfaction.  Maybe it's seeing someone else enjoy something I have prepared.  I don't really care why....I just do. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Diet Coke

Is there any better drink in the world?  I has some flavor but it's not so sickenly sweet that you will get sick if you drink a ton of them, which I do.  It's not like Dr. Pepper that eats your taste buds up.  It's not totally lacking any taste like water.  It has zero calories.  I just don't think it can get any better than that.  I hear people say they drink too many Diet Cokes and then tell me they drink 6 a day.  I'm ashamed to even try to count how many I drink a day.  6 would be a good, low number day though.  I guess if that's the only bad thing I do, I'm okay, right?

Some things I don't understand...

I make this dish I call "Whipalo" and my husband absolutely loves it.  I make it only every so often....not even once a year any more.  I made it tonight so I could take pics for the recipe book and made the orange kind, which is his favorite.  It's a "sweet" dish, like a treat after dinner but not so sweet as a cake.  He likes it enough that it illicits an "oo oo" response when I ask if he wants any.  The thing I don't understand is that he absolutely detests sour cream.  Like with a passion.  To the point that if he smells it when I put it on my potato, he acts like he is going to throw up.  This whipalo dish has 16 whole ounces of sour cream in it.  I've brought it up to him once or twice but he seems to forget in between times that I make it.  I usually just smirk to myself as he gobbles it up and when the whole bowl is almost gone, I remind him that it has sour cream in it.  Gotta get my kicks somewhere....

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What to eat?

So, what do you eat when it seems like everything makes you sick to your stomach?  I've tried eating only bland foods and I've tried eating exactly what seems like a good idea at the time, regardless of what it is.  I know it is because I am still so sad because I can't hug my son every day.  I know I have to eat.  Everyone around me seems to remind me all the time and even seems to pay particular attention to what and when I eat.  I simply don't care to eat.  I still cook.  I have to cook for Michaela and I generally let her choose what we will have for dinner like I used to let Nicholas choose. 

I ate five "tater logs" today.  They smelled good when I walked in the Favorite Market to get a Diet Coke.  I always ask for the skinny ones because the fat ones don't seem to get cooked all the way.  They lady huffed when I asked for them like she was having a bad day.  I told her that I hoped her day got better and she said, "My day is just FINE!  It's just digging through these....!"  I guess she didn't mind letting me know that I was putting her out tremendously by asking for the skinny ones.  I know she didn't realize it took all the effort I had to smile at her today so I forgive her for being so disagreeable.  I'm sure she has bad things going on in her life right now too.  It did set me to thinking about how just a little kindness all of the time can make a difference.  I do try to always be kind but I think I will try even harder.  You just never know what someone else is going through.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Out of Date?

So, what's the deal with use by dates on things that are staple like products?  I cleaned out my cabinet yesterday to get cans for my nieces can-a-thon at school and decided to check some of the stuff that had been in there for ages to see if it was still in date.  There were several of those microwave desserts in a bowl that I had bought to try that had been sitting there unused because we just generally don't "do" those things that had gone out of date.  This led me to think about how the food manufacturers determine how long something will last?  These food manufacturers put so many preservatives in these foods that you would think they would last forever.  Canned goods are supposed to be good for years but those seem to have an expiration date that doesn't last that long either.  What gives?