Monday, November 21, 2011

I dig it.

I totally dig being the "older" student in my food writing class.  It doesn't bother me in the least, especially when we have a project session at my house and I get to cook something special for the folks that come over.  Tonight, I cooked bratwurst and brotchen and had it just about ready when everyone showed up to work on the cookbook project.  My hubby was happy because it's one of his favorite dishes and Wes, Mia, Tori, and Tyler all liked the Brotchen and Brats (Tori didn't eat the pork of  I have always liked to cook real food for people and I like cooking something for someone that they have never had.  I loved Tyler's innocent question, "What's the difference between a brotchen and a brat?" answer..."One is a meat and one is a"  I wanted to say something funnier but his question was so innocent, I just couldn't bring myself to be a smartypants.  I have never been able to figure out exactly why I like to cook so much.  Maybe it's the satisfaction.  Maybe it's seeing someone else enjoy something I have prepared.  I don't really care why....I just do. 

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