Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Some things I don't understand...

I make this dish I call "Whipalo" and my husband absolutely loves it.  I make it only every so often....not even once a year any more.  I made it tonight so I could take pics for the recipe book and made the orange kind, which is his favorite.  It's a "sweet" dish, like a treat after dinner but not so sweet as a cake.  He likes it enough that it illicits an "oo oo" response when I ask if he wants any.  The thing I don't understand is that he absolutely detests sour cream.  Like with a passion.  To the point that if he smells it when I put it on my potato, he acts like he is going to throw up.  This whipalo dish has 16 whole ounces of sour cream in it.  I've brought it up to him once or twice but he seems to forget in between times that I make it.  I usually just smirk to myself as he gobbles it up and when the whole bowl is almost gone, I remind him that it has sour cream in it.  Gotta get my kicks somewhere....

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